Justyna M. Sokół, Ph.D.

Professional Experience

Research Activities

Dr. Justyna Sokół is a space physicist specializing in research and development projects with over 14 years of experience in studying the physics of the outer heliosphere, solar activity modulation of the global heliosphere and the dayside Earth's magnetosphere. Her research focuses on detection techniques for low-energy particles as well as scientific interpretation of observational data of interstellar neutrals (ISNs), energetic neutral atoms (ENAs), and pickup ions (PUIs). Dr. Sokół has experience leading and managing diverse project teams of researchers from different fields and career stages, including engineers, scientists, computer scientists, and technicians.
At SwRI, Justyna conducts research on conversion surface materials for space particle detectors (like, e.g., IMAP-Lo; more here) and leads the development of a laboratory system for conversion efficiency measurement of the conversion surfaces for low-energy particles in the Energetic Plasma Instrument Calibration (EPIC) facility (more here). She also supports calibration and environmental tests of plasma instruments, like the Analyzer for Cusp Ions (ACI) for the Tandem Reconnection and Cusp Electrodynamics Reconnaissance Satellites (TRACERS).

Research Experience

Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA (2021 - present)
Senior Research Scientist (2023 - present), Research Scientist (2021-2023)
SHIELD DRIVE Science Center: Director of Research Thrust 1 - Global Structure of the Heliosphere (2022 - present)
Princeton University, Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton, NJ, USA (2019 - 2020)
NAWA Bekker Visiting Fellow (2019 - 2020)
Space Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland (2010 - 2019)
Associate researcher (2016 - 2019), Research assistant (2013 - 2016), Specialist in Physics (2012 - 2013), Physicist (2010 - 2011)

Membership in Science Teams

IMAP Co-I, IMAP-Lo Conversion Surface Lead
SHIELD DRIVE Science Center Director of Research Thrust 1
New Horizons Collaborator
TRACERS/ACI Calibration and Testing Team
Interstellar Probe Mission Concept Study Heliophysics Community Coordinator
IBEX Science Support
MMS Science Support

Membership in Science Organizations

International Astronomical Union - Individual Member
American Geophysical Union
European Geosciences Union

Research Visits

NAWA Bekker Visiting Fellow in the Department of Astrophysical Sciences at Princeton University, NJ, USA - (June 2019 - May 2020)
Visiting scientist at Nagoya University, Japan (P-STEP programme fellow) - (February-March 2019)
Visiting researcher at University of New Hampshire in Durham, USA (Space Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences internal grant) - (October 2018)

Interviews & Press Releases

SwRI develops more effective particle conversion surfaces for space instruments - SwRI press release (Mar 25, 2024)
Profiles of SHIELD: Justyna Sokół (Jul 26, 2023)
Studying the Edge of the Sun’s Magnetic Bubble - NASA press release (Oct 19, 2021)
Closer to the boundaries of the heliosphere with the NAWA fellowship - NAWA interview in Polish (Jul 24, 2020)
IBEX Charts 11 Years of Change at Boundary to Interstellar Space - press release (Jun 11, 2020)
            (NASA press release)    (Princeton University press release)
Guest appearance in radio broadcast "Warszawski salon naukowy" by Monika Florek-Mostowska in Radio Warszawa 106.2 FM (Sep 17, 2013)


Ph.D. Physical Science, in the branch of Geophysics (2016)
Space Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
Supervisor: Dr. hab. Maciej Bzowski, associate professor SRC PAS
Thesis Title: “Modulation of selected species of neutral interstellar gas and their derivative populations in the heliosphere due to solar activity cycle effects"
M.Sc. Physics, with major in Experimental Physics (2010)
Opole University, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics, Opole, Poland
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. hab. Piotr Garbaczewski, full professor
Thesis Title: “Entropia i czas” (EN: Entropy and time)
Heliophysics Mission Design School, NASA JPL (2022)


Design of Experiments (SwRI, 2021)
Managing Effective Interactions (Princeton University, 2019)
"Write or Wrong: Improving Written Communication" (Princeton University, 2019)
"Focus on Peer Review" (Nature Masterclasses, 2019)
Communicating Science with Any Audience (AGU Sharing Science, Washington DC, 2018)
Integrated Parallel Computing in Wolfram Mathematica (Cracow, March 20, 2015)
Wolfram Technologies Workshop (Warsaw, October 14, 2014)